My brain is getting jammed between my nostalgic memories and what i witness in front of my eyes - it has been 38 hours i am glued in front of the television under shock...
to know more about JEWEL OF
I agree. Great hotel and in every sense great 'customer service' even during the time of terror..
Something that dropped my jaw was the intervention of Shobha De and her strong opinions to NDTV. That was simply brave!
The Taj hotel has always been one of my favourite places in Mumbai. I have always enjoyed my visit to The Taj, my love for this iconic hotel having grown with every visit. The Taj and the Gate way of India always flash before my eyes, whenever I think of Mumbai. The great times I have had in and around these venues being my unforgettable memories. However the painful and bloody images that I have encircled my life for the last 40 hours have made me rethink, whether Mumbai will ever be the same again? Can the Taj be the same again? Will I be able to look at Mumbai and the Taj in the same way again?
Dont bend,india..dont let them put fear in your minds.. the next time ur in mumbai, show ur appreciation, go right back to the taj palace!
the viewer comments whizzin past the telly screen tells me the nation's baying for blood, crying for change, in one voice... at least in its living rooms.
there might stil be hope for the nation.. if this sentiment can be milked. doing what i can, hopin u are too !
while blood at boiling temps alone cannot bring about positive change, how often do we forget that m.k.gandhi was not a myth? wil we ever stop being selfish, at least for the sake of our souls?
And this one goes out to the terrorists: Next time,spare the innocent public, and hit a parliament in session. Thank You.
But I think we have to take the initiatives ourselves to provide a good leader for the nation. No newspaper or criticism can do it. Can we culture a habit of going regularly for all the elections for voting. Before that what about finding out about the candidates like we used to do to choose our leader for the school cricket or football team? Tis not an appropriate example though.
As we left the areas vacant, the pests slowly come & occupy the areas. Think of your unused closets & how many cockroaches will come out of it once u open after few years!
And it takes hell of efforts to clear the roaches out once they r in like our present leaders!
Paries don`t make up the people but good people make a party good.
i really cant imagine how did they managed to do so much to Taj.Everyone would ve had a second thought,even if its a terrorist, to destroy this splendid monument.i ve visited Taj just once.But still those memories r alive in me.So just imagine the people of Mumbai.The scars of the tragedy will never go away from our mind anytime soon..
Is india a soft target or all of us cowards..??? Just wondering how no one saw them or no one bothered to inform leave alone stop them...It looks sad to see the way the politicians react ... i think all of us need to be ASERTIVE...
Indeed Taj is the Jewel of India. In no time we can recover the materialistic loss caused. But we wont be able to remove the marks or the pain caused by this attack in the minds of the affected ones. We have no clue as for the attack. We are in a situation of dilemma, dont know how to react , dont know how to proceed , dont know whom to believe. We just hope that we are back into action as soon as possible.
May the souls of the dead ones rest in peace.
I only pray that these unfortunate events will shake us out of our lethargy and get us to demand good governance! If we don't then the 300 lives would have been lost in vain. Remember that every night as you go to sleep....
Very well said...i wish all those who read this make it a point to engrave in their heart what Ms Meenakshi madhvani had mentioned.
Let Taj get back..i will organise few more conferences on LEADERSHIP and CUSTOMER SERVICE..,sit in the bakery to eat the mouthwatering cakes and go the sea lounge to hog and the next time not just to my favourite TAJ but also to Leopold and trident..waiting to book my tickets only to carry on my affair with TAJ..
I stay at colaba.. my daily route to office is from the Leopold's, behind Taj and bang infront of Oberoi and marine drive. When I was passing through these lanes on sunday, it was such a horrible sight to see those hotels, but the best past is, on monday morning Leopold's Cafe was open and in the evening on my way back home it was good to see the cafe packed with crowd and the food and drinks flowing.. Thats the spirit we are talking about! Altough taj and oberoi are shut for some time for repairs.. jus waitin for them to see them rocking again!!! Few politicians have been rolled off the track, hope this will work and nip terrorism from the very roots...
TERRORISM...what is the root cause of it?? Ethnicity, poverty, religion..whatever it may be why does it happen though it utimately destroys those who practise it? i wonder what would provide these terrorists ultimate satisfaction...destruction of the whole social structure and deliver it into their hands!
Like many others I was sad to see the damage done at the Taj last week, but luckily the damage can be repaired, but unfortunately the damage done to the families of those who have lost their lives in such tragic circumstance cannot be so easily rebuilt. It saddened me to see the tragic events of last week in Mumbai unfold our tv screens and I cannot understand what must go on in the minds of those terrorists that could kill innocent people without a thought, but what we should realise that is that there are many more good people than evil, which we also witnessed last week in Mumbai.
Political parties must take interest to stop this. I think they dont have enough time to grumble among themselves. It must be a combined effort by political parties and armed forces. Our country stands amongst the best armed forces in the world. Its time for the politicians to realise their basic duty and act sensibly....
Such a well known Popular hotel for 105 years. It is such a glorious heritage and seriously hats off not only the Jewel even for the staff who risked lives out there. NSG played a key role and got back in control after nearly 60hrs. I don't think removal of politicians will show some change in our country. Its not time it is been high time eradicating terrorism because after 61 years of Independence still we have been fighting over it.
Your final words are stunning...You seem to be a Thought Leader...Write more..
Being a part of the student community,i can already forsee a good change.people of all ages are coming together to create a difference.i hope this gets converted to postive energy at the earliest to shield us from possible further threats..
Those people are real professional and all people should be proud of them
We have been overwhelmed with emotions and fear ever since these dastardly acts... Television channels have pledged to fight terrorism, blogs are swelling with emotional, angry reactions... The film industry has been sounding its concerns... Terrorists could not shake the spirit of the INDIAN, but sure have shaken off a lot of inactive politicians from their much loved positions of power... My point is, if we are so angry with our politicians... shouting slogans and holding peace rallies can help... but what could be better if we could bring this passion into some actual contribution to the nation.. lets stop saying "politics is a dirty game!.. It is actually a very noble game, if played by noble people... If we think that there are too many dirty players in the system.. lets change that... those of us feeling strongly about this entire issue should replace the dirty players... And make sure the game is healthier...
It is easy to say that we should replace the dirty players..but in politics u need a u have just three is not going to bring a change..if we think we have to contest..then have to join the political parties...agin it doesnt lead us any where..if u think to contest as an independent, how to handle the money and muscle power..The only way to bring out a change is to voice our opinion on every forum and when it comes to election..we need to vote only to the candidate who ever is the best and not for the parties.Trying new ways.....??!!!
My friend I wish it was easy to replace the dirty players... I never said it is easy to replace 'em... To bring about a revolution has never been easy... The easy part is slogans, which come as knee jerk reactions and then cool down as times go by... So if we choose to do the easy things... so would the politicians... and the vicious circle continues... but there is always a beginning some where... If not with drastic steps... at least with smaller steps which we are capable of taking.. we talk about removing corruption from the system.. How many of us would prefer to bribe a police officer after being caught for breaking the traffic rules rather than paying the actual fine... Or for that matter how many of us would take the traffic rules seriously... I agree that many a times we Indians are a victim of corruption, but we need to realize we are partners in the corruption too...
Not for a moment am I trying to say that voicing an opinion is not good.. voicing opinions brings about tremendous germination of thoughts and very constructive debates like this one and that is the very beginning of a revolution... When our elders were fighting for Independence, we did not have money, muscle power or ammunition.. what we had is the strong desire to bring about change.. and failure to bring about change was not an option... at the cost of sounding very idealistic.. it is time we decide that failing to bring about change is not a option...
Vision without Action is a dream..
Action without vision is passing time..
Vision along with Action will change the World!
i am sure our discussion on this wonderful forum would generate a lot of passion which can be put to constructive use... btw I would want to know as to who my anonymous friend is :)
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